• Laura Stagg

How to Make A Spider-Man Cocktail
“With great power, comes great responsibility”… 


  • 50ml of Citron Vodka 
  • 50ml of Grenadine
  • 4 Tsp of Blue Curacao
  • Lemonade
  • Optional: Decorate with Spider-Man accessories or Silly String 


  1. Pour the Grenadine into the base of your chosen glass
  2. Next, fill your glass with crushed ice to the top
  3. Slowly top up with Lemonade to half way
  4. In a separate glass, mix the Citron Vodka and Blue Curacao together, and then slowly pour it into the glass: pour over the reverse of a Mixing Spoon so this mixture doesn’t bleed into the red layer)
  5. Top up with Lemonade if needed