• Steve The Barman
  • margarita , variations , drinksfusion , tequila

With Margarita Day on February 22nd, it is that time of year when Bars and Home Enthusiasts start playing around with different recipe combinations, trying to create the next best recipe. Now, there's nothing wrong with the Classic Margarita recipe; it's one of the world's most popular cocktails and the most famous Tequila Cocktail of them all. But we live in a world now where "Plain" or "Classic" doesn't quite cut it. Bartenders love to play about and come up with their own new and exciting flavour combinations.

So, with this in mind, this leads nicely into our DRINKSfusion series. The simple process of combining two or more different flavours together to create a new flavour.

Previously, in this series, we've showcased some quirky Valentine's Cocktail Recipes. Now it's time to think about the Margarita. For some reason, when I think about Margarita Recipes, I love the whole fruit and spice combination. Or, to quote Jess at Monin, "Swicy". Which leads us nicely into our first Margarita Recipe;




Monin themselves have a great Spicy Mango Syrup, which is perfect for this. But of course, if you like a little bit more body to your Cocktails, you could use the ODK Mango Puree, which is 50% fruit, 50% Sugar, and mix that with ODK Chilli Syrup and create your own level of Spiciness. I also happen to think that Coconut Tequila works very well here, too. In this recipe, we've used a Cazcabel Coconut Tequila, but of course, you could use a Blanco Tequila and a Coconut Liqueur instead.



For our next combination, we're combining a new syrup here at Drinkstuff, the 1883 Spicy Cayenne Pepper Syrup, with ODK Pineapple Puree. It's a flavour combo I love stemming from Creole and Caribbean Cuisine. But it works so well with Tequila.



Another famous Tequila Cocktail is the Paloma, which is a Grapefruit Tequila Hiball, so we know Tequila and Grapefruit are a great combination, and they should be used more in Margarita. But when it comes to Complimenting Grapefruit, Ginger is often overlooked.


Alternative Margarita Cocktails



Despite the name, this Margarita isn't served warm; it simply refers to the syrup we're using in this Cocktail. We're using the 1883 Warm Spices Syrup and combining that with the ODK Watermelon Puree.



This was a DRINKSfusion flavour we showcased in the Valentines series and it's simply delicious. Combining Monin Winter Spiced Syrup with Monin Hibiscus is simply divine. Combining these with Monin Strawberry is a match made in heaven. To make this blend, we used a 5:5:2 ratio. 50ml Strawberry. 50ml Hibiscus. 20ml Winter Spiced.
