• Laura Stagg

How to make Spiced Gin 


  • 700ml of Gin
  • 100g of Caster Sugar
  • 6 Cloves
  • 1 Cinnamon Stick
  • 1 tsp Ground All-Spice
  • Peel of ½ Orange
  • 1 tsp of Orange Juice 
  • Optional: Add some spice with Peppercorns 


  1. Take a large preserving jar or clip top bottle, add the sugar, spices, cinnamon stick, orange peel and juice.
  2. From here, add a fine choice of Gin to fill the bottle up.
  3. Stir well and close the bottle, shake and swirl until the sugar has fully dissolved.
  4. Place in a dark cupboard at room temperature for ten days to a week.
  5. Remember to gently shake or swirl it every day.
  6. When ready, drain the contents of your bottle through a filter, muslin or fine mesh strainer and pour into a decorative bottle
  7. Serve with ice and tonic water for a truly wintery treat all year round.